Welcome to GBN's Official Website!
It has been one year since the beginning of GBN, and I am so glad! Not many events go on for this big day, but do any? I mean, really? Does anything need to happen? Cartoon Competition is releasing episode 2 today, it is a little late. But that's fine.
David is Grounded! is an amazing show! It's got enough comedy
to beat any GBN in history, including  World Traveler, which is
the one I appear in. David is always getting grounded for the
most random things. It makes me LOL until I run out of  breath.
Haven't you seen Diesel's temper? It's hilarious!

"David is a bad soul, but only HE has to fix his issues." - Zeliboba, reaction to "Brawling & Cells"


    My name is Kubik. I can speak both Russian and English and are best friends with Sesamstrasse's Rumpel.


    June 2013
    May 2013

